Tuesday, December 14, 2010

First Post!

So I'm doing my last shift at my college radio station.

First hour, I played music from these Lifescapes albums that I found in Wal-Mart. It was pretty awesome. It was all Celtic/Scottish music. Mostly instrumental. People loved it! I'm going to suggest to management that they seriously look into doing a specialty show with that kind of music.

The next two hours? All CKY. I'm at the end of that right now. However long Carver City lasts and then if I have time left I'll play some random stuff I brought with me. People are enjoying the CKY too. I feel like I'm converting people! It's a nice feeling. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

Last night I did my last specialty show shift. I got to play an hour of Viking/Folk metal. Then I made the guys I worked with on that show program an hour of metal bands covering video game music. It was awesome.

Getting to do this has re-lit my love for radio. I was getting discouraged with the commercial radio. But I think I might aim for getting my own show on XM/Sirius. It would be worth it to get to play what I want. I could just have a random show. Kind of like Jason Ellis. He does the most random things, but I love it.

I'm also graduating tomorrow. Should be fun. I'm hoping to get a job. I want to put myself through culinary school and go into the Peace Corps. Fun right?

It would be really nice to get a job as a sportscaster for like Versus or a job with the NHL. I love hockey. I actually have another blog about sports and a lot of it is going to hockey related now that I don't have to do posts for class anymore. Should be fun. Go check it out.

Well, I need to get back to actually dancing to all this CKY.